Desing Screen
View Tools
- Zoom In, Zoom Out, Zoom Window, Zoom Nesne
- Pan
- Viewporrt (Top,Bottom,Front,Back,Left,Right,Isometric)
- Rotate
- View Object
- Persfektif veya Paralel plane
- wireframe) or solid draw
- Grid
- Plane selection (XY, XZ, YZ planes)
- Plane ofset
Edit Tools
- Move Origine
- Redo & Undo
- Lock Drawing
- Group
- Special Selection
- Osnap
- Ortho
- Track
- Alingement
- Dimension
- Space adjustment
- Change Drawing properties
Wireframe Drawing Tools
- Line
- Rectangle
- Polygon
- Circle
- Arc
- Ellipse
- Arc Ellipse
- Bspline
- Hermite Spline
- Bezeir
- Wireframe surface
- Dimension
Wireframe Sample
Çizim Değiştime
Change Drawing
We can convert any windows font to vectorial drawing as automatical.
Fix Geometry
- We can fix the broken drawing
- Convert small drawing to arc.
- Make 90 degree at the corner point.
Modify Tools
- “Move”, “Copy”, “Rotate”
- “Lineer Array” , “Polat Array”
- “Scale”, “Mirror”, “Offset”
- “Entend”, “Connect”
- “Break” , “Trim”
- “Fillet”, “Chamfer”
- “Explode” , “Erase”
- “Lay On Vector”
Solid Drawing
- Quadratic Bspline surface
- Cubic Bspline surface
- Bezeri surface
- Nurbs surface
- Lineer surface
- Polay surface
- Helix surface
- Extrude and Revolve
- 9 ve 16 point surface
- (Box, Cube, Cone, Cylinder, Sphere...)
- Mathematical surfaces
Solid Model Sample
STL Data Import “Dental”
Special Solutions – “Bending”
Special Solutions – Ultrasonic Analyses
CAM Tools
- TrueWorks G Code produce from 2 Axis to 5 Axis
- Wireframe
- Triangle Mesh surface
- Nurb surface
- Drilling
- (Rough), (Semi Finish), (Finish)
- Tool pattern Optimisation
- Define Tool Shape
- Define Cam Strategy
- Post Processor Defination
- Basic Similation
Tool Defination
Graphical Simulation
G Codes
Post Processor Defination
Basic Similasyon